
At early stages of life (1-10 years), the concentrations of LER is 1-2 mg/100 ml

 It increases gradually at the age of 11-18 years where it reaches the maximum value of 3 mg/100 ml. Then, it declines gradually to 3-2 mg/ 100 ml during the period of 19-50 years. An increase in the level of LER (2 mg/100 ml) was seen at the age of 51+.Searching for a Longevity Food, We Bump into Hericium erinaceus Primordium Rich in Ergothioneine: The Longevity Vitamin Improves Locomotor Performances during National Toxicology Information Centre, Toxicology Unit, Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri IRCCS, 27100 Pavia, Italy.Phenotypic frailty is characterized by a progressive decline in physical functioning. During ageing, morphological and functional alterations involve the brain, and chief theories involve oxidative stress, free radical accumulation, and reduced antioxidant defenses as the most implicated mechanisms. From boosting the immune system to fighting senescence, medicinal mushrooms have been found to have a number of health and longevity benefits. Among them, Hericium erinaceus (He) has been demonstrated to display a variety of physiological effects, including anti-aging properties. Thus, He represents an attractive natural source for developing novel medicines and functional foods, based on the identification of its active ingredients and metabolites. Particularly, H. erinaceus primordium (He2) extract contains a high amount of Ergothioneine (ERGO), the longevity vitamin. Herein, we revealed the preventive effect of ERGO-rich He2 extract in a preclinical model, focusing on locomotor decline during ageing monitored through spontaneous behavioral test. This effect was accompanied by a significant decrease in some oxidative stress markers (NOS2, COX2) paralleled by an increase in P53, showed in cerebellar cortex cells and fibres by immunohistochemistry. In summary, we demonstrated the neuro-protective and preventive effects of He2 extract during aging, probably due to its Conflict of interest statement: The authors declare no conflict of interest.Administration of Pure Ergothioneine to Healthy Human Subjects: Uptake, Metabolism, and Effects on Biomarkers of Oxidative Damage and Inflammation.Singapore, National University Hospital , Singapore .AIM: We investigated the uptake and pharmacokinetics of l-ergothioneine (ET), a dietary thione with free radical scavenging and cytoprotective capabilities, after oral administration to humans, and its effect on biomarkers of oxidative RESULTS: After oral administration, ET is avidly absorbed and retained by the body with significant elevations in plasma and whole blood concentrations, and relatively low urinary excretion (<4% of administered ET). ET levels in whole blood were highly correlated to levels of hercynine and S-methyl-ergothioneine, suggesting that they may be metabolites. After ET administration, some decreasing trends were seen in biomarkers of oxidative damage and inflammation, including allantoin (urate oxidation), 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (DNA damage), 8-iso-PGF2α (lipid peroxidation), protein carbonylation, and C-reactive protein. However, most of the changes were non-significant. INNOVATION: This is the first study investigating the administration of pure ET to healthy human volunteers and monitoring its uptake and pharmacokinetics. This compound is rapidly gaining attention due to its unique properties, and this study lays the foundation for future human studies.CONCLUSION: The uptake and retention of ET by the body suggests an important physiological function. The decreasing trend of oxidative damage biomarkers is consistent with animal studies suggesting that ET may function as a major antioxidant but perhaps only under conditions of oxidative stress. Antioxid. Domain-specific fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) sensors of Pathology, Harvard Medical School, One Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.Each of the two domains of mammalian metallothioneins contains a zinc-thiolate cluster. Employing site-directed mutagenesis and chemical modification, fluorescent probes were introduced into human metallothionein (isoform 2) with minimal perturbations of the structures of these clusters. The resulting FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer) sensors are specific for each domain. squalane cleanser and construction of a sensor for the alpha-domain cluster is based on a FRET pair where a C-terminally added tryptophan serves as the donor for a fluorescence acceptor attached to a free cysteine in the linker region between the two domains. Molecular modeling studies and steady-state fluorescence polarization anisotropy measurements suggest unrestricted motion of the tryptophan donor, but limited motion of the AEDANS ([[(amino)ethyl]amino]naphthalene-1-sulfonic acid) acceptor, putting constraints on the use of the alpha-domain sensor with this FRET pair as a spectroscopic ruler. squalane oil benefits allow distance measurements during binding and removal of metals in the individual domains. The overall dimensions of the apoprotein, thionein, for which no structural information is available, do not seem to be significantly different from those of the holoprotein.

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