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 Examples are peptides derived from collagens VI (stress activation) and XIV (stress relaxation), or collagenous consensus peptides that remove ECM-bound MMPs and growth factors. Furthermore, certain peptides can be used as targeting structures to the fibrogenic lesion.Effect of a monocyte cell factor (MCF) on collagen production in cultured articular chondrocytes: role of prostaglandin E2.Pujol JP, Brisset M, Jourdan C, Bocquet J, Jouis V, Béliard R, Loyau G.A monocyte cell factor (MCF) inhibited the incorporation of (3H)proline into collagen of rabbit articular chondrocytes in culture, without significant effect on non-collagen protein. In addition, MCF produced a new compartmental repartition of collagen between cell layer and medium. No MCF-induced shift was observed in the relative proportion of collagens synthesized, type II remaining the major collagenous product. The inhibitory effect of MCF was not completely suppressed when prostaglandin synthesis was blocked by indomethacin. Addition of PGE2 at 12-25 micrograms/ml to the cultures resulted in a decrease of total collagen. Lower concentrations (02-05 microgram/ml) did not affect the total synthesis of collagen but changed its distribution between cells and medium in the same way as MCF. These results suggest that the MCF-stimulated release of PGE2 may be partially involved in the inhibitory effect observed on collagen [Injectable collagen, 10 years after... ].Studies of the in vivo metabolism of mevalonic acid in the normal rat.Hellstrom KH, Siperstein MD, Bricker LA, Luby LJ.Studies were performed to examine synthesis, tissue localization, and metabolism of mevalonic acid in normal rats. Circulating mevalonate was found to have a rapid turnover phase of 5 min and a slower phase of 40-50 min. Under in vitro conditions the synthesis of mevalonate is carried out most actively by the liver and only to a minor extent by the other tissues studied. The most unexpected finding of this study was that both in vivo and in vitro the kidneys rather than the liver are the primary site of the metabolism of circulating mevalonate. Whereas mevalonate in the liver is rapidly transformed to cholesterol, the major products of mevalonate metabolism in the renal tissues during the same time period are squalene and lanosterol. ordinary squalane cleanser in contrast to circulating mevalonate is metabolized primarily in the intestine.l-Ergothioneine improves the developmental potential of in vitro sheep embryos without influencing OCTN1-mediated cross-membrane transcript expression.and Physiology,Adugodi,Bangalore 560 030,India.SummaryThe objective of the study was to investigate the effect of l-ergothioneine (l-erg) (5 mM or 10 mM) supplementation in maturation medium on the developmental potential and OCTN1-dependant l-erg-mediated (10 mM) change in mRNA abundance of apoptotic (Bcl2, Bax, Casp3 and PCNA) and antioxidant (GPx, SOD1, SOD2 and CAT) genes in sheep oocytes and developmental stages of embryos produced in vitro. Oocytes matured with l-erg (10 mM) reduced their embryo toxicity by decreasing intracellular ROS and increasing intracellular GSH in matured oocytes that in turn improved developmental potential, resulting in significantly (P < 05) higher percentages of cleavage (532% vs 386, 466%), morulae (346% vs 202, 254%) and blastocysts (143% vs 68, 96%) compared with other lower concentrations (0 mM and 5 mM) of l-erg without change in maturation rate. l-Erg (10 mM) treatment did not influence the mRNA abundance of the majority of apoptotic and antioxidant genes studied in the matured oocytes and developmental stages of embryo. squalane oil benefits found that the SLC22A4 gene that encodes OCTN1, an integral membrane protein and specific transporter of l-erg was not expressed in oocytes and developmental stages of embryos. Therefore it was concluded from the study that although there was improvement in the developmental potential of sheep embryos by l-erg supplementation in maturation medium, there was no change in the expression of the majority of the genes studied due to the absence of the SLC22A4 gene in oocytes and embryos that encode OCTN1, which is responsible for transportation of l-erg across the membrane to alter gene expression.A COLORIMETRIC MICRO-METHOD FOR THE DETERMINATION OF GLUTATHIONE.1. A rapid colorimetric and apparently specific micromethod for the determination of total glutathione in small amounts of tissue is described. Generally, less than 30mg. of tissue is sufficient and this is homogenized in ice-cold 3% metaphosphoric acid. The product is filtered through sintered glass and neutralized or diluted before being added to a cuvette containing phosphate buffer, pH7, 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid), EDTA and glutathione of 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) by catalytic amounts of GSH, and this causes a colour increase at 412mmu. The rate of this change, calculated over 5min., is proportional to the total amount of glutathione present, and consequently unknown concentrations may be determined by reference to standards. 2. A preparation (based on that of Racker, 1955) of a suitable sample of glutathione reductase from yeast is described. 3.

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